Trust us to get security right

With our ISO27001 certificate, Meantime is one of only 0.5% of UK businesses which manage to reach the security standards your data deserves.

That's because the more information people put online, the more serious the security risks become. And even the biggest businesses can fall prey to hackers, putting everything from top secret reports to personal details and financial records at the mercy of slip-shod data protection.

Meantime are ISO27001 certified

Don't hope for the best, demand it.

As Meantime's MD, Fenner Pearson points out, 'When it comes to data storage, people make assumptions that the cloud is a secure environment. But now, more than ever, you should be looking for someone who can look after your data and give you the confidence you require.'

ISO27001 ensures that confidence is well-placed. It is a rigorous assessment of how secure your data is.

To win certification, we had to go through an eighteen month-long series of inspections, audits and interviews. All our systems and processes were put under forensic examination by experts in order to certify our security is at the pinnacle of what it needs to be.

We will always be at the forefront of data security.

Do you have a question or need some help?

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